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      • MÃ¥ste kommentera: Alla som kommenterar Malenamis inlägg i hennes blogg mÃ¥ste skriva in e-post addressen.. Detta kanske är en orsak till att hon fÃ¥r färre kommentarer och att NEGATIVA sktvaiötlsr inte törs kommentera hennes texter!Jag tror att du Philia borde göra likadant, sÃ¥ att det inte gÃ¥r att kommentera helt anonymt längre! Keep up the good work, jag tittar in här varje dag och tycker massor om dina fina bilder osv.ha ett skönt veckoslut! =)Anna i Helsingfors

      • Its called a «hate share».Whites are sick of being hated because THEY ALL work hard and have nice things.Browns are sick of being hated because THEY ALL are criminals and bludgers.So naturally any time THEY get a chance to give someone else a serve of hate they look toward the people who loath their group most openly.Is that a big enough blanket for you Ruth?

      • o “echo fim” não executou porque o faz_teste retornou 1 como exit status (a funcao retorna o último exit status, neste caso, o exit status do “[ -r /tmp/naoexiste ]“.o shell não abortou a execução por causa do “[ -r /tmp/naoexiste ]“, e sim por causa do “faz_teste”. para usar com segurança, você deve retornar o exit status em funções como essa. ;-)

      • Hi Ted,I’ve not tested this but you’ll need to use this function instead:$results = $this->model_catalog_manufacturer->getManufacturers();You then use ‘manufacturer_id’ instead of ‘category_id’.Hope that works,Craig

      • Vorrei che faceste attenzione all'età media di questo commentarium. I figli non hanno sempre due tre e 5 anni. Io sono per l'equilibrio per tutti, non ho stima del carrierismo per nessuno — ma ho avuto una madre con più di 100 dipendenti che alle 2 staccava e tornava a casa, poi magari lavorava da casa ma è diverso. Credo che però la vita professionale quando i figli crescono abbia la possibilità di riallargarsi. Qui ho la sensazione che si sia tutte nel momento della funzione materna a massima dilatazione — ma non è sempre così.

      • disse:oLÁ Lidytudo bem?Estou adorando esse blog e mais ainda os seus post.Super lindas as coisas da divino emporio, pena que não moro por perto, pq se morasse Meu Deus, ia ser a cliente nº 1 com certeza! AMEI msm..!!GOstaria muito de ser a sorteada para ganhar a blusinha linda, que a Lu da chaata de galocha tem tb.!Já estou participando da prmoçao, espero ganhar!!!!QUERO GANHAR A BLUSINHA LINDA DA BONEQUINHA LINDA, BEM ROMANTICA E FEMININA.!BEIJOOOOOOOS

      • I would like to start off by declaring, thank you for supplying me making use of the knowledge I’ve been searching for. I’ve been surfing the internet for three hrs searching for it and would have given my correct arm if I would have positioned your website sooner. Not just did I unearth what I was hunting for, but learned answers to questions I by no means even thought to ask myself. Thank you to your amazing web-site!

      • Απολύτως σωστή η προσέγγισή σου Φάκτορα! Ο Αντώνης απέφυγε όλους τους σκοπέλους και έκανε την κίνηση ματ! Αποκάλυψε το πόσο αναξιόπιστος και ολίγιστος είναι ο ΓΑΠ και δικαιολογημένα ζήτησε την προσφυγή στη λαϊκή ετυμηγορία, ως αναπόφευκτη λύση.

      • Thank you for addressing this issue. I have a septated uterus that was diagnosed, but not treated for several years. After several miscarriages the septum was removed and I had a successful twin pregnancy (IVF). There isn’t nearly enough information out there on this topic.

      • ….Gaza and Palestine in general does not have abundant resources and must use their heads to get anything done….sreveThey have oil fields beneath the ocean facing Gaza, about to be robbed by the zionists too.I woudn’t be surprise the war was about just that, steeling the oil fields, preventing Hamas to put their hands on the money and buy arms like the jews do.

      • Beth, I’m so glad. We are still at the beginning stages with apps, so I don’t think everyone is on board with recognizing them as a legitimate form of storytelling – yet. It’s true that there is a great deal of “noise” out there, but that’s true with any genre. Quality will improve as more talented writers try their hand at apps.Julie Hedlund´s last blog post ..Like? 0

      • Je profite de cette recette — les donuts sont le seul met sucré pour lequel je me damnerais sans aucun doute =) — pour laisser mon 1er com ici.Je suis avec assiduité, mais je n’ai encore jamais tenté de recette, celle-ci sera peut-être la 1ère, qui sait.Merci de partager tout ça, c’est vraiment chouette.

      • Hola amí me gustaria que alguno de ustedes me incorporara en su empreza, considero soy un a persona capaz de resolver cualquier problematica que se presentara en su empresas o en su grandes negocios ustedes ponen el problema yo la solucion estoy a sus ordenes

    • Hola David:Excelente artículo. Me gusta mucho tu claridad de pensamiento.Hay una idea que me ha estado transformando por varias décadas. “Ama a tu prójimo como a ti mismo”. Para ser sincero, creo que aún no la comprendo en su justa dimensión, pero es una idea que me seduce.

    • Raimondo is a Jew who writes for Antiwar.com. This is a totally Jew run site.They insure their jobs by never mentioning the fact that it is the JEWS who create WARS. Those who do not name the enemy, JEWS, by name up front and on top in banner headline letters are complicit in their crimes.

    • Ce billet me laisse rêveuse… Je ne voyais pas les choses sous cet angle moi aussi… mais maintenant que tu le dis. Tiens, je vais m'amuser à ranger chacun des miens dans une de tes catégories.

    • I love the way Repubtugs look like total assholes tonight..Thanks to Wilson and the guy on the Blackberry..nothing like a brunch of jerks on national tv…How long did it take Wilson to apologize.. Just priceless……..Go PRESIDENT OBAMA

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  4. Accessoirement, je ne sais pas s’il reste encore beaucoup de fonds d’archives photographiques qui n’aient pas été déjà rachetés par Corbis, Getty et consorts…Rédigé par : Pascal Kober | le 25 août 2009 à 22:57Si Pascal, les miennes !Et elles ne sont pas prêtes de l’être!Amicalement, H.Z

  5. Le problème et tu le sais très bien c’est que nous les gars on est aussi difficile que les filles! Par rapport a notre liste d’épicerie!Pareillement, j’ai passé par dessus le critère de beauté! Je suis attiré vers une femme pour sa culture(nationalité,conscience, ce qu’elle a en arrière des deux oreilles) c’est ce qui m’intéresse!

  6. My dear, I find it hard to believe anyone would judge you for what you are going through right now! You're a wonderful person and a great mom. You will all get through this, and things are going to end up for the better, I know it. Thinking of you. [ .fqkj{position:absolute;clip:rect(445px,auto,auto,488px);}approval ]

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